Secure Developers—Secure Software

Archipelo is a Developer-First Software Security and Compliance Platform—providing organizations with Developer Security Posture Management (DevSPM).

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Secure Developers—Secure Software
What is Developer Security Posture Management (DevSPM)?

Developer Security Posture Management (DevSPM) is an emerging category within cybersecurity that traces security and compliance risks back to the specific actions of developers, machines, and tools influencing the risk of code. By identifying the root cause of risks tied to specific developers, DevSPM allows organizations to set policies that mitigate risks early in the SDLC.

Traditionally, security teams protect four key pillars of the software attack surface: (1) Source Code, (2) Build Systems, (3) Artifacts, and (4) Cloud Applications. DevSPM introduces a fifth pillar of the attack surface: the developers themselves. As developers have the keys to the entire SDLC process, decisions they make and actions they take inevitably introduce vulnerabilities and events that may be exploited.

Automatically Collect Developer Actions—Just Like a Smartwatch

Imagine a smartwatch that tracks your fitness without disrupting your routine. Archipelo is like a smartwatch for your software security, continuously collecting data on developer actions across the SDLC.

This data provides real-time insights, helping organizations monitor and improve security and compliance seamlessly within existing workflows.

Automatically Collect Developer Actions—Just Like a Smartwatch
Generates Actionable Insights to Enhance Software Security

Every software engineering team generates vast amounts of data across the SDLC. When you install Archipelo, it automatically captures data tied to developer actions, providing actionable insights to strengthen your security and compliance posture.

Seamless integration with development workflows—via CI/CD, browser, and IDE extensions—creates a historical record of coding events across commits and releases, empowering you to monitor your SDLC.

Generates Actionable Insights to Enhance Software Security

Get Started Today

Archipelo helps organizations ensure developer security, resulting in increased software security and trust for your business.

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